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White/Yellow/Orange JUNIOR = CYCLE 1
W/Y/O Cycle 1, Month 1
Standing Basics- Front Kick (Feet Together) (2:08)
Standing Basics- High Block (Jigotai stance) (1:59)
Student Creed #1 (0:08)
W/Y/O Cycle 1, Month 2
Moving Basic - Front Stance Lunge Punch and turn (2:34)
Moving Basic - Front Stance Reverse punch and turn (2:42)
Moving Basic - Front Stance Low Block and turn (2:01)
Student Creed #2 (0:07)
W/Y/O Cycle 1, Month 3
Kata - Lohrding 1 (3:52)
Student Creed #3 (0:07)
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Standing Basics- Front Kick (Feet Together)
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