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EXIT EXAM #3 = 1/2 GREEN, 1/2 BROWN Belt Jr going to the Advanced class (BROWN+ Jr)
Pinan Shodan +Maxims of the Dojo #1
Kata - Pinan Shodan (4:14)
Maxims #1 (0:10)
Pinan Sandan + Maxims of the dojo#2
Kata - Pinan Sandan (6:18)
Maxims #2 (0:10)
Niahanchi Shodan + Maxims of the Dojo #3 & #4
Kata -Niahanchi Shodan (4:08)
Maxims #3 (0:13)
Maxims #4 (0:15)
Teach online with
Maxims #3
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