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Adult Orange Belt Requirements
First Stripe Requirements
Standing Basics- Zenkutsu Mae-Geri (Front Stance, Front Snap Kick) (3:35)
Standing Basics- Double Arm Chest Block (Jigotai Stance) (3:03)
Standing Basics-Round House Kick (Feet Together) (3:55)
Moving Basics- Shizentai Gyaku Tsuki (Natural Stance, Reverse Punch) (3:08)
Moving Basics-Shizentai Chudan Tsuki (Natural Stance, Lunge Punch) (2:56)
Moving Basics- Shizentai Jodan Uke (Natural Stance, High Block) (3:20)
Moving Basics-Shizentai Soto Uke (Natural Stance, Middle Block) (3:34)
Moving Basics- Shizentai Uchi Uke (Natural Stance, Striking Block) (3:05)
Moving Basics-Shizentai Keri to Tsuki (Front Snap Kick, Reverse Punch) (3:02)
Perseverance-Sit Ups (1:44)
Second Stripe Requirements
Kata- Fukyugata Ichi (3:44)
Kata- Fukyugata Ni (5:44)
Bo Blocks- High Block, Down/Across Block, Ground Stab (8:17)
Lady Looks in the Mirror (inside) (1:59)
Third Stripe Requirements
Kumite- Basic Outside Cross Deck Blocking with counter on the last rep (5:52)
Self-defense- Double Lapel Grab, Random Chokes (10:02)
Student Creed- All (0:37)
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Moving Basics-Shizentai Chudan Tsuki (Natural Stance, Lunge Punch)
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